Wideband HF WHA02

The EASP-WHF01-ANT is a wideband HF vertical antenna, mainly intended for use with ALE and frequency hopping capable transceivers, for HF radio voice and data communications. The EASP-VHF01-ANT operates in the 2 MHz to 30 Mhz frequency range, providing a typical return loss of 10 dB minimum (SWR 2:1). Working principle is based on a unique design of coupling the low output impedance of the transceiver (50 ohm typical) with a high impedance, vertical radiator.

The EASP-WHF1K-ANT is a relative high effciency broadband vertical radiator intended to be used with frequency agile transmission systems over the 2 – 30 MHz HF band (i.e.: HF/ALE systems). It is manufactured in two different versions, respectively EASP-WHF1K-ANT/R for the roof mounting solution and EASP-WHF1K-ANT/N for the naval mounting solution.